….”send nudes.”
k, convo done.
Nah let’s talk about this, let’s be fake deep for a little minute.
Lately, I been pondering on this notion that women who send nudes get ratings, but only temporary ones. They’re the women that men hail heroes, the type of woman that all men need in their lives, but in what way?
The reason I ask this is that it’s become quite clear that the definitions that come under derogatory terms towards women have shifted slightly over the years. Certain words used to describe sexually open women no longer just mean “high number of sexual partners” but a whole array of different things. Women who “aye aye aye” on snapchat can get it, women who wear thigh high boots can get it; women who are forward but not necessarily promiscuous can get it. We can all get it. And I’ve wondered if sending nudes has fallen under the ‘anyone can get it’ category.
It’s always been part and parcel of being sexually intimate with someone, especially during the initial stages of whatever situation you label yourself to be in. Feeling confident or wishing to satisfy a man is only two reasons why women send these nudes but are we jeopardising ourselves in the process? Are men just simple enough to lust after your nudes or is he accumulating a perception of you that may not be accurate? Are you triggering him to think you are, a slut, or a slag? Do the girls who send nudes get wifed or do they just get a coupla rounds in? (coupla cans if you’re dealing with a geeza).
I’m 28 very soon and I have never considered this in depth before and I think social media has very much played a part in heightening our consciousness of what a man deems classy, trashy, acceptable or unacceptable. We must, however, remember that social media is just a small percentage of opinion and out in the real world face to face you’re probably not likely to face the same negative, judgmental agenda, but it’s still something you end up considering.
What I’d like to hear is your opinions on what certain names mean to you, and if this nude sending is something that falls under those said names. For example, what is your personal definition of a slag? What personality traits or actions does a woman have to portray for you to wonder whether she’s promiscuous, or not serious? What sexual behaviours turn you off?
Ladies please also feel free to throw in your two cents. What are your thoughts? Has this ever crossed your mind before or have you ever had a conversation that has been eye opening when it comes to being a single, sexually active woman? Lemme know!
Love x
When a woman sends me nudes I lose interest real quick. I don’t ask for them as I like the real thing. If a chick send me unsolicited nudes I am just going to assume there are 3-4 guys who have your nudes stored on their devices/laptops which puts me off tbh. A woman recently said to me “I really wanna send you something but I’m hesitant” which made me feel bad as I had to think was I giving her the impression that this was a requirement to chat to me? Madting Sadting. My opinion is that nudes should be between people in a committed relationship as these days guys receive nudes and instantly forward to the Group Chat for ratings/bragging rights. Attention is like currently these days and some women (and men) will do anything to cash in 💰
When a woman sends you nudes during the “talking stage” (requested or not) she’s basically saying it’s going to be a physical relationship. I’m getting to know you and you wanna show off your body? Is this all you have to offer me? Sorry not taking you serious then lol. When a woman doesn’t send you nudes or request them it allows you to dial into her as a person not just looking forward to getting naked etc. You need to build up anticipation through connecting on a deeper level. I’m waffling but I think you get what I mean…