25 Everyday Things I Take Comfort in.

HappyThought I would write down a list of the little things that make me happy, seeing as the past couple of weeks have been rather dreary, and depressing, to say the least. These are things that I find comfort in (so some not necessarily making me ‘happy’ but bring me to a sense of peace) or things that cheer me up in times of need. I’m sure you’ll be able to relate to some of them…






  1. Washing my hands. If I feel like my hands are dirty then everything is dirty.
  2. Having a supply of chocolate and orange juice readily available. I’m gassed if I eat dinner and there’s some M&M’s waiting for me, or I’m about to watch HTGAWM and remember the pack of penguins and OJ in the kitchen. GASSSSED I tell you.
  3. Finding a parking space straight away.
  4. Finding a comfortable spot on the sofa and sinking into that feeling of complete relaxation.
  5. Spontaneous messages from someone I like talking to (don’t ask me why I don’t message them first, we don’t do logic round here).
  6. Twitter. Some of you guys are comedians, and your jokes need to collect coins. The way I scream at some of the dumb shit people come out with. Endless banter.
  7. Clean bed sheets. Automatically spaces out my room.
  8. A compliment from an unexpected person. Rah, a whole me? You think that about me?
  9. Closing my eyes in bed after being on my phone bare. It’s just a different type of feeling…
  10. Getting a piercing or tattoo. Most of both are decisions made on the day or few days prior. I’m erratic like that.
  11. People finding me funny. I wouldn’t say I’m a comedian jokes wise but my mannerisms, facial expressions and dry wit make people laugh often.
  12. People opening up to me. To know people rate me like that. I got you.
  13. Smelling my favourite foods.
  14. Silence after escaping too much noise.
  15. Having my hair played with. Top 5 best feelings don’t debate me.
  16. Taking my shoes off after firming pain for hours. The feeling is orgasmic. Like, it hurts so bad yet feels so good? lol.
  17. Aimlessly wandering around supermarkets with no rush or urgency (or even needing to buy anything loool. Is this why I’m broke? Aite cool).
  18. Annihilating someone in an argument. If you know me you’ll know I’ll f*ck it up word for word.
  19. Taking out my washing from the machine and burying my face in the cold, fresh smell of my clothes hahaha. Nah true story I love doing this.
  20. Falling in love with a TV programme and getting excited for the next episode.
  21. Showering before bed. The way I roll around the sheets like a little baby knowing I smell and feel delicious.
  22. Laughing at other peoples misfortunes that I’ve caused… but they don’t know it yet. LOOOL
  23. The first bite of food you’ve been waiting TIME for.
  24. Being the back passenger of a car full of my friends. Sleep if you want, sing if you want; in the back, there are no expectations.
  25. Coming into unexpected money. £5 or £500 I’m spinning.

Hmm, It was actually kinda hard to think of some interesting ‘unique’ ones as I could have easily said ‘fresh grass’ etc; I’m not trying to bore everyone too tough, but if you were bored that is your own personal problem…

Let me know what your happy things are! Or if you relate to any of the points I’ve made? Love x


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