Quick Thought…

I’m not trying to be a hater (whether it makes me one or not ION CARE) but I’m bored of these girls/young women creating blogs purely based on desperately wanting men to believe that they have some depth or substance to them. First of all the men ain’t even reading your shit, secondly, you’re illiterate, so that’s a double L. Like Cole said:

“I’m hoping this will reach you and you understand, that your value ain’t determined by another man”.

Creating a blog and pretending to be deep and meaningful with a thousand paragraphs of nonsensical bullshit isn’t going to change anybody’s perception of you. I know it’s valid to say that every industry is over saturated and ‘everybody is doing it’ therefore you have to make your own name in what you do but it makes it hard for people who are genuinely passionate or sick at what they do because they’re compared to the rubbish that is so easily accessible online.

Blogging is deemed as a clown career to many because the only things they read are the titles of their WCW’s new post all about their Holiday to Dubai, which is actually only 20 words and 600 pictures. Then there’s one about how nobody loves them. looool now I sound like I’m hating, but you get the gist. I just get demotivated when I see websites created purely for man and the insecurities that ooze out of them. Write because you love it. Write because it releases an energy in you that nothing else does. Making a blog because you want Jerome to think you’re an intellectual while blowing your back out is dumb. Jerome can’t even read b! Let it go..

Anyway, night.


One Comment


    Well for one I have never seen blogs of this type, but being a blogger I’m sure you’re not lying, however I do see on social media (or at least used to) women doing deep/fake intellectual banter, for what I would presume is male attention, it seems to be everywhere.. and being a guy, hear it from me, men see right through it lol

    Guess what I’m trying to say is, just do you, if your blog is good, people will notice you’re in a different lane and not like those types of bloggers..but hey, I know it’s good to vent

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