Dating Tips for 2020

…Don’t go on any. They suck.

OK great! Glad we could keep that short and sweet. Stay tuned for more worldly advice.

…Urgh alright, fine. You actually want some tips huh? *sigh* let’s get into it then..

You would think dating as an older person (I won’t say woman because I really am speaking for both genders) would be a lot easier than the younger days but let me tell you it is an absolute minefield out there. Everyone is more mature now, apparently. They all know what they want. They have their standards and boundaries and wish lists etc…or so you think. Reality is everybody talks a good game but we’re all still winging it. Not everybody has the strength to abide by their own rules or wish list, therefore, they’re still hopelessly going through the motions, adding 2 situationships per year to their CV and ending the year thinking all men/women are trash. Each year our wounds get larger as opposed to healing. It’s scary practise.

Although I do not follow my own advice and I stay away from dating like I stay away from any form of cardio I do have a number of tips to help you out on the battlefield. What was it they said in Think Like A Man?
‘You sound like you’re going to war’
‘well, love is a battlefield’

Dating Tip For 2020

  1. Don’t be a beg. Don’t be desperate.
    Self explanatory really. I do trust in the saying ‘it always comes when you’re least expecting it.’ Of course if you’ve decided to actively date you’re going to think about finding a partner, but don’t be so fixated on it that you settle for the first person who opens the door for you.
  2. Be wise with the dating apps you choose.
    Now I know people have found love on Tinder but the ratio is probably a bit of a mazza compared to people who just end up hooking up, or who use Tinder as a way of passing time. If you are really serious about settling down, try other dating apps which aren’t so social media focused. Hinge/Bumble/Tinder all come like Insta and it’s so easy to get caught up in the shallow end, and that’s coming from someone who’s very shallow.
  3. Accept the unwritten rule.
    Omg this one KILLS ME. Alright baby you ready?…. accept that the person you are dating is PROBABLY dating other people. Not always! but, 90% of the time. You have to have your wits about you and be okay with this. You have to understand that it’s not a poor reflection on you (or the other person) IF they are dating other people. This is always a tricky one because no one wants to ask the question, or they’re fearful the other person will lie to them anyway. Just try not to get so love struck in the first few weeks by assuming you are the only one. You can only be the best you can be and putting your best foot forward without worrying who else may be getting airtime from the same person will help you stand out amongst the crowd.
  4. Use the unwritten rule.
    Boy, if the love of my life is dating other people than shit – I will too! Similar to tip no.1, you don’t want to just have all your eggs in one basket. Be open to talking to others and gage how different men make you feel. Now I’m not saying sleep with every man… I’m saying use your time wisely. Be the player don’t get played.
  5. Try not to stalk their social media.
    If you’re anything like me you’ll know their Twitter and Insta before they’ve even told you their last name and honestly, it’s not worth it. You become fixated on the social version of this person and look into everything they’re doing or saying without being able to freely discuss it with them. Take each new person at face value and leave all that social stuff until a later date (note to self).
  6. TEK TIME!
    Please do not panic if it’s been 3 days and you don’t have a date yet. Don’t beat yourself up if you’ve been on some dates and don’t feel a connection. Even if you meet someone at 40 years old, say you live to 80/90 you will still be sharing 40/50 years with that same person every single day. So why are you worried that you haven’t met ‘the one’ yet? Relax. Even if you’re keen for children, you do NOT want to rush into one of those with just any old bastard. So again, relax.

Now there’s so many other random little tips I could give but I’m not sure how well you lot can read so I don’t want to go on for too long. Hopefully the one’s I’ve provided will come in useful and help you think about how to navigate yourself through the dating realm.

If you have any tips of your own please let me know! As always leave a comment <3


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